1. Eat maltesers as much as you can throughout the day. A bucket-sized one is probably best as you can just sit on the sofa and relax and you don't have to keep getting up for more packets! (helps nutritionally to build you up and of course helps keep your emotional health in check too).
2. Eat lots of Jelly Babies throughout the day. These are especially good if you have diarrhoea as they help to "bung you up", and a much nicer way than taking horrid medicine. Also good of course for helping pile on those calories lost.
3. Eat lasagne several times a week - especially if cooked by someone else who is FABULOUS at cooking, as it saves on you washing up all those pots and pans. Lasagne basically contains everything you will need nutritionally for wound repair!
4. If cannot bear to eat a proper meal, then at least have rice with a bit of grated cheese, as it will help settle the stomach. (in actual fact this was the only thing that I could keep down at first).
5. For your scar/s and also dry/dehydrated skin - use Bio Oil, which you can get from most chemists/pharmacies. This is a truly AMAZING product and really does the job. It smells nice too.
6. For fighting off any coughs and colds - use Vicks First Defence nasal spray. Since I have been using it, I have been cough and cold free - touch wood.
7. Use crystals for pain ( also hold an appropriate one at night). For my wound I use bloodstone. Dowsing with amethyst is also v good for pain I find.
8. For dry lips use Vaseline with aloe vera lip therapy - pocket sized good for carrying around.
9. Laugh a lot - good for your mood. Watch as many comedy dvds as you can tolerate without going mad.
10. Think positive about the future. Even if it might seem like you are going through hell (or have been going through hell), hopefully the fact that you are reading this blog, might mean that you are on the up and you are getting better. So hoorah for you! You should be very proud of yourself for getting this far. And things can only improve from now on, with any luck. And incase you are feeling a little sad or down right now, just picture me sending you a big hug (hope the thought of this doesn't make you feel worse and I apologise profusely if it does).
I think I could probably go on and on, but I will stop now coz am probably boring you to tears.
1 comment:
Ha ha, as soon as the picture strted to appear, just the red edge on the top, I just KNEW it would be maltesers!
Mmmm, makes me hungry just to think of it, and the jelly babies,,,yum yum.
And no, you are not boring us in the slightest, I am loving reading your blog. Yippeeeeeeee for blogging.
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