Friday 29 December 2006

Coming clean about my (ill) health

Ok guys and dolls, I have decided to tell you the truth about my health - or shall I say ill-health. I did agonise a little over whether I wanted my blog to include stuff about my health problems because I wondered that maybe for once I would like somewhere where I could get away from it, because there aren't many ways to escape it, seeing as its there every day of my life, reminding me nearly every second that it's there. But then I thought, what the hell, maybe I should talk about it, as maybe I don't talk about it enough. To be honest I don't think I do, because I often get worried that I might bore people or that I might burden them. Interestingly, I am fine with talking about it with other sufferers and I like to be able to help them if possible, but I am not all that good at just telling other people what's going on for me. You see I like to try and protect people from my problems. Or maybe actually I am protecting myself because then I don't have to answer questions that I might not feel comfortable in answering. Or I worry that if I talk to people about real stuff, I might push them away. But whatever the reason, seeing as my body and what happens to it is pretty important to me, I thought that I would actually choose to share some of what happens to me(and indeed has already happened) with you. Now you might get really bored, or think that I am moaning, and so I will apologise profusely in advance if you feel like that, because all I can do is be honest with how I feel and what's going on in my life. I guess I am kinda hoping also that just maybe, by the act of me sharing some of this personal stuff with you, that maybe some of you may actually benefit too, and that you will feel able to share some of your stuff with me, because we all go through stuff, whether it's bad or good or somewhere in between. And I like to think that I am a caring kind of gal who has respect for others' feelings and thoughts and I like to think too that I'm really easy going and down to earth. So bring it on!

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